Personally, I am a huge fan of horror. Horror films (don't worry we'll get to that later this week) and horror songs. What exactly is a horror song? Let's just say, it's the type of song that, if you were woken up by it in the middle of the night, you would start to get worried. Some of these have scary music videos to accompany them, but some were made before music videos existed. Without further a due, here's six scary ass songs.
6. Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead
I got a record player two Christmases ago and one of the records my oldest brother gave me was by Bauhaus. The first time I put it on, I was with one of my best friends, and we were immediately thinking "What the hell is this?" It's not your average music. It doesn't even contain any of the average sounds you hear in music. Bauhaus is named after the German art school, and rightly so. To put it simply, they are both very strange and weird. Bauhaus the band has got a dark post-punk Cure style sound that's gloomy and grungy. Just see how creepy it all is right here.
5. Electric Light Orchestra - Fire On High (No Video)
ELO, one of those classic rock bands that deserves more attention. Their sound is so grand and their music so distinguishable I have yet to hear a band I could compare them to. They were a 70s British Rock band that brilliantly incorporated the sounds of Rock, Pop, and Classical. I'm sure you've heard their song Mr. Blue Sky, definitely their most popular. This song, Fire On High, starts out like a nightmare. It is how I'd imagine the music that they play like in hell sounds, only to be pulled out of the darkness by soaring violins and rhythmic guitars. A journey through hell, give it a listen.
4. Massive Attack - Angel
I actually filmed a short horror film this past summer in USC and used this song for the background music. After adding it, the film was 10 times scarier. Massive Attack was able to get that feeling of growing worry and the director did a great job of putting a visual handle on that. Just read the comments on youtube, they get it perfectly. If we run away from our fears, they'll just grow and grow to the point where they overwhelm us. I couldn't embed the video directly so I'll put it in a different post.
3. Michael Jackson - Thriller
Of course. Thriller. And yes, I know Michael Jackson is the King of 'Pop', but come on, he's the scariest, or was the scariest, looking person IN THE WORLD. Of all the people in the entire world, if I woke up and found someone standing at the foot of my bed, Michael Jackson would by far be the most terrifying. I wouldn't even think about it, I would just jump straight out of my window (and I live on the 16th floor).
(Picture taken from Google Images)
Even though this is the definition of a pop song from a pop artist, it's still the greatest music video every made, and you can't make a scary music video list without putting it somewhere on it. You just can't.
2. Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
Weird. Creepy. Exactly what this song needed. When I was little I was a huge Soundgarden fan, I still remember sitting in my old 80s style kitchen (before our house was renovated) and hearing on MTV that they broke up. Though I'm not really sure what's going on in this music video, I know that the place depicted might be the worst neighborhood to live in. The scariest part is their weird creepy smiles. Something about a smile that's just too big is terrifying.
1. Rammstein - Du Hast
This was the one music video that was able to ruin my childhood. Everytime it was on TV, I couldn't help but watch it while hiding under my bed (what can I say, I liked being scared), but it would scare the poop out of me. For those of us who can remember beach week, I'm sure they can't hear Du Hast without wanting to run the other direction. Though it doesn't hold quite the same scare factor that it did when I was eight, I will forever remember it as the scariest music video of all time.
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