Wednesday, January 26, 2011

7 Indie Jams You Need to Hear

I haven't posted in a while, honestly because my 'blog' class ended and I didn't have to. But I've been on a work binge, which really means music downloading binge, these past few days, and I thought I'd share a few songs that helped me get through the week. Oh yea, most of these songs are from the past two years or so, if you like em, you should check out the artists other albums.

1. Frightened Rabbit - Swim Until You Can't See Land

So far this is my favorite song on their new album "The Winter of Mixed Drinks". If you like it, DL their songs 'Good Arms Vs. Bad Arms', 'Head Rolls Off', and 'The Twist'. So far this album feels weaker than their first, but I've got to give it a few more listens before I make up my mind.

2. The Strokes - I'll Try Anything Once

I heard this in the trailer for Sofia Coppola's Somewhere and it fit perfectly. I don't know if the movie looks good, but this song certainly made the trailer good. It's really a demo version of their other song You Only Live Once. I think this one's much better.

3. Active Child - When Your Love Is Safe

I just found this band yesterday, DLed their 6 track EP, and absolutely love it. It's only 4 bucks on iTunes right now, which is a steal. If you like this song dl the entire album, every song is great except for wilderness and weight of the world. The second video is a studio recording of the song with the two band members playing a harp and bass guitar, which is a pretty redic combo. I've always wanted to hear a harp/bass band perform. The Third is a classixx remix of the song.

4. Jay Electronica - Jazzmataz (feat. Tone Treasure) & Eternal Sunshine

LISTEN TO THIS SONG. Jay is the best lyricist alive and could possibly become one of the greatest rappers ever. I just found Jazzmataz and i've been addicted for the past few days. His song Eternal Sunshine (the Pledge), an 9 minute epic journey in which Jay raps over the score from the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, is the best rap song of the past 10 years and one of the best rap songs ever. These are my two favorite songs of his. If you don't like Eternal Sunshine than your taste in music sucks.

5. Dr. Dog - Where'd All The Time Go

I'm going to see Dr. Dog in DC this weekend. This is my favorite song from their newest album.

6. Monarchy - You Don't Want to Dance With Me

This is about as poppy as my musical tastes get, but it's a jam. I listened to their self-titled album yesterday and it's pretty good, if you like this DL their song 'Floating Cars'.

7. Ducktails - Killin the Vibe (feat. Panda Bear)

Panda Bear, a member of Animal Collective, seems to be taking over the indie music world right now. I haven't heard much of Ducktails, but I love their band name, and if they're other songs are anywhere near as good as this one they're gonna be one of the best bands around. It's such a simple song, but the riff is so listenable that it could repeat for half an hour and I wouldn't mind. I could think about almost anything while listening to this song. And yes, they seem like they do lots of drugs.

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